In late October, I had the privilege to travel to Shenandoah National Park as part of I-Qest TV and the 59 Veterans project’s Shenandoah Recon 2015 trip. The mission — put together a short video to present to investors, check out some video equipment for future use, and get a feel for the team dynamics on the project.
I initially got involved with the 59 Veterans project eight months earlier after stumbling onto the LinkedIn profile of Jeffrey Ehrenkrantz, founder and CEO of I-Qest TV. 59 Veterans is a groundbreaking project that helps returning servicemen and women start exciting new careers in videography. At the same time, it will create stunning, 4K ultra high-definition and 3D high-definition video records of America’s National Parks and Monuments.
I liked Jeffrey’s vision and immediately struck up a conversation with him expressing interest in the project and offering my help in anyway he saw fit. Eight month’s of emails and a meeting in Chicago later, I got an invitation from Jeffrey to join the team for the 59 Veterans reconnaissance project set for late October in Shenandoah National Park. Of course, I immediately said “Yes.”
Although my primary job was shooting video during the project, I did carry an additional still camera with me. Here are a few photos from the trip.
Of the eight person team, four of us were out making videos each day. Director/editor Bob Seiberlich led two videographers including Army veteran Ryan Donkersley and myself (Navy veteran), along with our Grip, Ron Martin (also an Army veteran). Over the course of three days inside the park, we hiked 15 miles and climbed over 2000 feet.
We were in Shenandoah National Park during one of the most picturesque times of the year. The fall colors were in full bloom and we were blessed with near perfect weather. Unfortunately, we never got an opportunity to document any black bear activity. Rumor has it that they were in our vicinity the week prior, but had since moved 25 miles south.
I can’t close this article without mentioning the fantastic support team back at base camp. Our team leader and CEO of I-Qest TV, Jeffrey Ehrenkrantz, his daughter and President of I-Qest TV, Dana Ehrenkrantz, and professional chefs Michael McCabe and Jewel John. What can I say, we ate good. More on that at another time.